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New York Flood Control Eric Adams

New York City's Plan to Protect Against Future Flooding

Mayor Eric Adams Unveils Ambitious Plan to Safeguard the City from Rising Sea Levels

In the face of increasingly severe weather events and rising sea levels, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has unveiled an ambitious plan to protect the city from future flooding. The plan, which was announced on June 1, 2023, includes a range of measures to address the city's vulnerability to flooding, including the construction of seawalls, the installation of floodable parks, and the implementation of new building codes.

Seawalls and Floodable Parks

One of the key components of the plan is the construction of a series of seawalls along the city's coastline. These seawalls will be designed to protect the city from storm surges and flooding caused by rising sea levels. The plan also calls for the creation of floodable parks, which are designed to absorb floodwaters and provide a safe place for people to go during flooding events.

New Building Codes

In addition to the construction of seawalls and floodable parks, the plan also includes a number of new building codes that will require new buildings to be more resilient to flooding. These codes will require buildings to be elevated above flood levels and to have flood-resistant materials.

Cost and Timeline

The plan is expected to cost billions of dollars and will take many years to complete. However, Mayor Adams has said that the investment is necessary to protect the city from the devastating effects of flooding.


New York City's plan to protect against future flooding is a comprehensive and ambitious plan that will help to safeguard the city from the devastating effects of rising sea levels. The plan includes a range of measures to address the city's vulnerability to flooding, including the construction of seawalls, the installation of floodable parks, and the implementation of new building codes. The plan is expected to cost billions of dollars and will take many years to complete, but it is an investment that is necessary to protect the city from future flooding.
